To the degree that my work brings You glory, pour out Your blessing.Aligning Interests
Praying like this aligns our interests. It says, "Inasmuch as I am seeking first your kingdom and righteousness, would you add all these other things that you've promised?" And implicitly it acknowledges that if our work does not glorify Him, that we dare not ask for blessing.
Any good business aligns the interests of the involved parties. For example, when I worked in the financial services, there was a major shift from commission revenue to fee-based revenue. The concept was simple. The broker should be paid for adding value - not for moving money around. When the investment grows, the broker gets paid more; he doesn't just get paid for buying and selling.
I would suggest that gospel entrepreneurship is simply that venture of creating value in the world that not only aligns the client/vendor/employee/owner relationships, but also aligns itself with the interests of the King and His Kingdom.