Thursday, January 10, 2008

No refuge in the ghetto

"Of course, as contemporary history proves, Christians can live and bear witness under any regime, whatever its ideology. But Christians can never seek refuge in a ghetto where their faith is not proclaimed as public truth for all. They can never agree that there is one law for themselves and another for the world. They can never admit that there are areas of human life where the writ of Christ does not run. They can never accept that there are orders of creation or powers or dominions that exist otherwise than to serve Christ." (Lesslie Newbigin Foolishness to the Greeks p115) [emphasis mine]
It is impossible for us to engage in the public sector without realizing that we have done exactly what Newbigin forbids. We have sought refuge in the ghetto of private, domestic faith - and have therefore denied the truth of it. The challenge for entrepreneurs (which I feel acutely) is to create opportunities in a way that announces Christ as King - rather than denying his Kingship.

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