One way to align our interests is to move in with the poor. Then giving is not merely to salve our conscience; it is to seek the good of those who are truly our neighbors because our lot is bound up with theirs. More than that, we will begin to understand what are the issues that perpetuate poverty - and we can begin to address them personally (and not just by throwing money at the problem) through the Gospel.
I am not suggesting that this is easy. I am suggesting, however, that apart from this move there will naturally tend to be the NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude toward loving the poor. Our interests will be conflicted: we want good for the poor, so long as it does not threaten our comfort or security. By moving in with the poor, their interests become ours, because we begin to truly live as neighbors.
If I am not mistaken, this will also drive true gospel entrepreneurship because we will begin asking the question:
How does the good news of Christ need to be manifested in the public square in this community?
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